george dafermos

text archive

text archive

(2017). The Catalan Integral Cooperative: An organizational study of a post-capitalist cooperative, P2P Foundation/ Robin Hood Coop [HTML] [PDF]

-------- H Cooperativa Integral Catalana και το οργανωτικό της μοντέλο [PDF]

(2015). Transforming the productive base of the economy through the open design commons and distributed manufacturing. Journal of Peer Production, Issue 7 [HTML]

-------- Transforming the energy matrix: Transition policies for the development of the distributed energy model (with P. Kotsampopoulos, K. Latoufis, I. Margaris, B. Rivela, F.P. Washima, P. Ariza-Montobbio and J. Lopez). Journal of Peer Production, Issue 7 [HTML]

-------- Building a social knowledge economy through the open design commons and distributed manufacturing. In: Troncoso, S. & Utrate, A.M. (Eds.) Commons Transition: Policy Proposals for an Open Knowledge Commons Society. Foundation for Peer-to-Peer Alternatives [HTML] [PDF]

-------- Sistema agroalimentario abierto y sustentable en Ecuador (con Jose Luis Vivero-Pol). In: Vila-Viñas, D. & Barandiaran, X.E. (Eds.) Buen Conocer/FLOK Society: Modelos sostenibles y políticas públicas para una economía social del conocimiento común y abierto en Ecuador [HTML] [PDF]

-------- Diseño abierto y fabricación distribuida. In: Vila-Viñas, D. & Barandiaran, X.E. (Eds.) Buen Conocer/FLOK Society: Modelos sostenibles y políticas públicas para una economía social del conocimiento común y abierto en Ecuador [HTML] [PDF]

-------- Conocimientos libres, energía distribuida y empoderamiento social para un cambio de matriz energética (con P. Kotsampopoulos, K. Latoufis, I. Margaris, B. Rivela, F.P. Washima, P. Ariza-Montobbio y J. Lopez). In: Vila-Viñas, D. & Barandiaran, X.E. (Eds.) Buen Conocer/FLOK Society: Modelos sostenibles y políticas públicas para una economía social del conocimiento común y abierto en Ecuador [HTML] [PDF]

(2014). Images of innovation in discourses of free and open source software (with M. van Eeten). First Monday vol. 19, no. 12 [HTML]

-------- Χάκερς και Ταξική Πάλη (με τον Γ. Σόντερμπεργκ). Στο: Β. Κωστάκης & Χ. Γιωτίτσας (Eds.) Πέρα από το κράτος και την αγορά: Η ομότιμη προοπτική. Βορειοδυτικές Εκδόσεις, Ιωάννινα [PDF] [PDF (βιβλίο)]

-------- Interview about the FLOK Society Project by CommonsFest [HTML]

(2012). Governance structures of free/open source software development. Next Generation Infrastructures Foundation, Delft, the Netherlands [PDF]

-------- Authority in Peer Production: The Emergence of Governance in the FreeBSD Project. Journal of Peer Production, Issue 1 [HTML]. Republished in J. Söderberg & Maxigas (Eds.) Book of Peer Production. Nordic Summer University (NSU) Press, Göteborg, Sweden, 2014 [PDF]

-------- Interview on Governance of Open Source by M. Bauwens & N. Gorenflo [HTML] Translated in german by keimform [HTML]

(2009). The hacker movement as a continuation of labour struggle (with J. Soderberg). Capital & Class, no. 97 [PDF]

(2005). The critical illusion of immaterial labour (unpublished manuscript)

-------- Five Theses on Informational-Cognitive Capitalism, Proceedings of 22nd Chaos Communication Congress, Berlin, Germany [HTML] [PDF]

-------- The New Dialectic of Play [PDF]

(2004). The critical delusion of the condition of digitisation or the prosecution of sharing and seduction, Proceedings of 21st Chaos Communication Congress, Berlin, Germany [PDF]

(2003). Which Information Society are you talking about? [PDF] Translated in romanian by Ruxandra & Andreea [HTML]

-------- Blogging the Market: How weblogs turn corporate machines into market conversations [PDF]

-------- Social Capital, Virtual Networks, Enterpreneurship and Innovation [HTML]

-------- eCRM: Promises and Challenges [HTML]

-------- R&D Organisation in Networks of Libre Software [HTML]

(2001). Management and Virtual Decentralised Networks: The Linux Project. First Monday, vol. 6, no. 11 [HTML]
